The Route

The Route
The Route

Saturday 2 October 2010

Meeting up with Simon !

It was on the 2nd September that I set off on my own from St Jean Pied De Port, not knowing what lay ahead. It's now the 2nd of October and I'm just 50km from Santiago. I left Gonzar at about 8am after waiting half an hour for the cafe to open; it stayed shut so I moved on to the next village. I've been seeing a young French Canadian on and off since day one. He and the two German girls are the only one's I recognize from the first day I set off up into the Pyrenees. I still have the same feeling of uncertainty, but not about the start, I know it has to end and the next stage of my Camino begins. It's been a good day I've walked about 31km with a long stop for a big lunch. The walk alongside pine forests was magical, it was windy and the sound of the wind blowing through the trees produced a sound of the sea rushing up a pebbled strewn beach. I soon found myself singing out loud yet again. I won't say what I was singing in case some of you might start making arrangements to have me sectioned under the mental health act. Any way there I was singing at the top of my voice and my footfalls keeping the rhythm, when a dog walked up to me from behind, I thought here I go the owner of this dog is going to have me put down I looked around and there was no owner just me and the dog, I stopped looked at him and he at me, I said hello and walked on, he just sat there. I started singing again and he re appeared at my side. I thought this dog has taste, so I named him Simon Cowell. Ok I know your thinking what was he singing, it was "aga do" I know, I know, why would anyone sing that song walking through a pine forest, well it kept me walking at a steady pace, which is what I needed, and Simon Cowell loved it. So after five minutes Simon had a pee up a tree and took the path to the right I took the path to the left. I'm now in Melide with sore feet and a failed audition.
But life is good

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