The Route

The Route
The Route

Friday 1 October 2010

Light & Darkness

I woke up to the sound of snoring in the next bed, I looked at my watch it had just gone 5:30. I was determined that I wasn't going to be the one that got up before everyone else and making those annoying rustling sounds that seem to be the start of every day in the albergue’s, it was no good I had to get up. I tip toed in complete darkness across the dormitory, leaving my torch still attached to my rucksack. It almost cost me my neck on the way back from the bathroom, which was on the landing on the floor below. I came out of the bathroom back into complete darkness with my eyes not having enough time to adjust I attempted to go back up stairs, the only problem being that all the floor tiles are black. I lifted my right foot up for the first step and brought it down, it kept going down, I was on the wrong side of the staircase and was attempting to go up on the down flight of stairs. After that scare I made my way across the dark dormitory, stubbing my toe on someone’s backpack. Then a thought crossed my mind what if I went to the wrong bunk and sat on it whilst someone lay there. Any way the rest of the morning passed without any more mishaps on my part. I left the albergue in darkness and walked up the street to the restaurant that I had shared a meal with Michael and some German pilgrims the night before. I could hear the chatter of excited voices as I approached; it was the Swiss walking talking group. They moved off just as I got to the restaurant. I stopped, removed my pack and had my morning coffee and toast. The walk leaving Sarria was unlit and it wasn't long before I had to use my torch, to prevent me from missing the Camino markers. The path led me across a small bridge then uphill and across an un protected rail crossing, had this been England I would have just walked across without looking, after all when are the trains ever on time or in this case early. It's strange being out here you go through these old villages that don't belong to this century and see things that bring you back, like the BMW from yesterday, now it's even stranger, I climbed the hill and passed a farm house, nothing else just a farm house, but next to it's wall was a coca cola machine all lit up and ready to dispense the next chilled beverage. I stopped and took a picture, which brought a chuckle from a Spanish pilgrim who was following me and saw me photograph an amazing sunrise, and now I was taking a picture of a coke machine. The path now has taken me through rolling green hills that wouldn't look out of place in England. I passed the 100km countdown marker after about 12 km of walking, it was a special moment and I had to phone home. I walked into Porto Marin my intended destination for today and carried on walking, I have now stopped a further 8 km up the road making today a 31-33km at a place called Gonzar a very small hamlet of a village and I've managed to secure one of the last remaining beds. 
Life is good

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