The Route

The Route
The Route

Friday 17 September 2010

Amos Lee - Morning

Check out this video on YouTube:

Rod Brookstein
Check out this tune I just love it. I left the village of Itero De La Vega at about 7am and decided to walk the 8 or so kilometers to Boadilla Del Camino before having any breakfast, everything was still shut when I got there. So it was onto the next stopping point of Fromista. Had a handful of peanuts along the way and listened to Amos Lee. I Have not been using my phone for anything other than communication, so just this once I listened to some music . I'm fact just the one song. I sing it most mornings to myself when starting off . I'm in Fromista having my morning coffee and two magdalenas having covered just over 14km and the day has only started

1 comment:

Rod said...

Just noticed the date and time is incorrect , I think it's the time zone of the blogg site. The visuals for the Amos Lee song are not mine found it on you tube it's the only way I could post the tune on the site. Any hoo I just stopped to kick off my boots for a short while then I'll be off again.