The Route

The Route
The Route

Wednesday 22 September 2010

Pilgrims meet.

Bercianos del Real Camino to Mansila de Las Mulas to Leon. I walked to Moratinos for breakfast and past Suzanne a French Canadian woman who I had first seen on the second day of my Camino on the road from Roncesvalles to Zubiri she wad ahead of me with another pilgrim when a dog ran out from behind a parked car and chased them up the hill. It stopped to walk back to the parked car to startle the next pilgrim, me. But I had seen him and was ready for him I stared at him and walked on, for some reason he left me alone. I joined Suzanne on the walk to Zubiri, which for the last 4 km was straight down with jagged rocks. I hadn't seen her since them. Then on my way out of Najera she passed me on the path and we've been starting and finishing in the same place for the last four or five days. She had been having problems with blisters so I gave her all my compede, as I have been lucky enough to avoid them. Well by breakfast she had had enough and I saw her hug another pilgrim and get into a cab in tears, she's going onto Leon to rest up and stay on schedule for her flight home. I walked with Maurice and Ronnie for a while but soon dropped back. They both took the old roman road to Sahagun and I stayed on the route Frances as recorded in the Codex Calixticus. I saw them again in a cafe in Sahagun I was in pain due to the high curbs I had a severe pain and spasms in the right leg. On the way out a car and a van blocked the road both drivers got out, one had a box of cakes the other a large bottle of coke, which they offered to us, so it was cake and coke on the roadside. Ronnie continued on the roman road we carried on the official route to Bercianos del Real Camino where we spent the night in a very old and special albergue, where we found a bed bug, but hospitalera was great the beds were checked and sprayed and all our kit treated. The next day we walked to Mansila de Las Mulas, which is where I slept last night after doing my washing and minty making himself known again. Had a great night though with a couple of Brazilian pilgrims who I had seen in only in passing. Today's target was the city of Leon. After having a late start, a breakfast of coffee and watermelon, we all set off at our own pace. After about an hour of walking I started to get a pain in my left shin, which got worse as the day progressed. I limped into Leon about 2pm, but decided it wasn't for me. So after a coffee and a tortilla I carried on to La Virgen Del Camino, making today a 31km day. I'm only a few kilometers down the road from where Ray and Martha are staying while their injuries heal. Bumped into the two German girls I have been seeing on and off since day one and the French Canadian guy I last saw at Roncesvalles at the end of day one. I'm sorry there have been a couple of days without any posts but it's been difficult to say the least. So I'm off for my shower then it's the daily hunt for food.

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