The Route

The Route
The Route

Saturday 4 September 2010

Zubiri to Huerte

Got off to a bad start woke up at about 3am iching my left leg is swollen from the amount of bites in the municipal albergue (only 6 euros for the night and another twenty for the medication for the cure of sleeping there)i´ve had plus some bruising from i don´t know were. I´ve been in touch with Ray and Martha who are in a private albergue just a few metres up the road from me. I got up at six and packed my rucksack went out into the gardens to collect my washing from the line , it was still wet so i packed the wet shirt and shorts into my rucksack and left three pairs of socks dangling on the outside to dry them off, as i set off i caught a glimpse of myself in a shop window, rolled up creased trousers ,creased shirt,dusty boots and socks hanging from my pack and i thought i cut quite a dashing figure. anyhoo i met Ray and Martha on the trail after waiting for an hour for them at thier albergue only to find they had left. we walked to larasoana together and went in searched of breakfast ,every where was shut but a man who owned the pension on the edge of the village saw us and opened up just for us, we had shandy ham and cheese sandwich and his wife gave us some plums from their garden. a special moment on the camino . Martha´s foot was playing up, the owner of the pension suggested we walk on the roadside instead of the trail as it was shorter and less demanding. We had walked for about 4 or 5k´s and Martha had had enough, i carried onto a small group of houses and spoke to a local who was trying to tell me that i wasn´t on the trail. i explained about Martha and he set off to get her and Ray, he then offered us a lift to Pamplona but we had already decided on Huerte which was a bit closer and had a shopping mall, Ray and Martha went with him and I opted to carry on walking. about a 1K on the road i found a track that led back onto the trail which was narrow with about an 80 foot drop on the right with the path crumbling at the edges and thorn bushes clinging to my pack and shirt. It reached a point were it crossed over the road i had been on and i then decided i was going to go back onto the road. I was now about 2k´s outside of Huerta and out of water and out of songs to keep me going when i looked up and saw a village on the opposite hillside called OLLOKKI and i burst into a verse in one of miss Minogue´s greatest " I should be OLLOKKI, LOKKI LOKKI LLOKKI". (don´t deny it you had ago at singing this to see if worked, didn´t you! ) anyway I got to the albergue which we had to ourselves after a shopping trip for creams and medication for various bites ( i seem to be top of the menu for all sorts of biting isects and the like , while walking i had a stinging pain on my left leg but ignored it only to find two small puncture wounds on my knee and a rash over most of my leg and a swollen foot) and some flip flops for Martha. We found a nice restuarant round the corner from the albergue but had to make it a quick meal to avoid being locked out. Ray and I went to the laundry room to wash some clothes and found that it had a balcony over looking the town square, so we moved two chairs out there a polished off a bottle of Tinto verrano between us while we wacthed the children playing with water bombs and chasing one another while their parents sat close by drinking we went to bed at midnight and they were still at it. an altogether enjoyable evening LIFE IS GOOD.

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