The Route

The Route
The Route

Tuesday 14 September 2010

Simple pleasures.

First of all thank you for all your wonderful messages of support they mean and help a lot . Also thank you Gerry my brother who with Kim my wife have kept the blog site updated for me. It seems the camino will break you down physically and emotionally before building you back up. Going into Logrono really hurt and I was lucky enough to end up in the church run refuge. Now after three days of pain I feel I'm getting somewhere , not all the pain has gone but it's bearable I've noticed that I now walk like John Wayne. But so does everyone else, I wondered downstairs to the washroom and toilets and I saw another man doing the John Wayne , the only difference being is that my John Wayne is quicker than his and I beat him to the John . Ye baby who's your daddy. I got in slammed the door and had a chuckle. Isn't it funny how the little things bring you the most reward even minty thought it was great . Mind you the look on poor John Wayne's face was a picture when I exited(toothpaste can do wonders when you need to move). Any way had another great walk across rolling corn fields in very hot conditions changed into sandals but that brought out the old tendon problem and the last five kilometers to belerado was agonizing . But after showering and doing my washing for the day , having had a nice meal some wine and treat of the day some chocolate in a great private albergue sharing a room with 21 other people , the night before it was with nine others all female the night before in Najera was ninety of us in the same room with the bunk beds pushed together. That was something else ,I turned over in the the middle of the night , opened my eyes and thought I don't remembering marrying some one who was bald and had a moustache. I quickly turned the other way and thought to myself "lay of the wine". Anyhoo I've done a respectable 25 k to belarado and have just put in a 29.5km walk to the small town Ages burnt to a crisp and sore shin bone. the walk to Ages after crossing more rolling corn fields took us through the small town of Villa Franca where we had to share the road with HGV's. From then it was back onto the trail with a long steep climb Into pine forest with the edge of the wide path lined with heather. The treat of this day was to sit in the shade of a tall pine kick my boots off and have a lunch consisting of a large juicy peach and a couple of squares of chocolate . So now I'm laying on my bunk listening to the tumble dryer drying my clothes which is another treat no washing by hand . I'm now only a days walk from Burgos and from there I'm on the meseta . Life is good. ... Adios

Rod Brookstein


David Williamson said...

Rod you had me in in fits of laughter once again. I see your sense of humour has not flagged at all. Take care bruv, and God Bless!

Unknown said...

You may have lost a few toe nails as well as a few pounds, but you certainly have'nt lost your sense of humour my darling. As always you are in my prayers. I love you with all my heart. x x x