The Route

The Route
The Route

Sunday 12 September 2010

Camino and me!

I asked a Japanese pilgrim if he would join me for dinner, all on the Camino I have seen people who may provoke an reaction or Invoke a sense of being.  I've seen and old German who appeared self centered and selfish at dinner he was the first to ask for seconds and looking at the soup he'd demand which part of the bowl he wanted it from pointing at the pieces HE wanted every one else accepted what was offered , I saw a part of myself that wanted things my way at first he annoyed me then after a while I realized I was shown how I may appear to other people, I went to the bathroom and this man who sat opposite me at dinner also made room for me to wash my hands have I pre judged him. Last night I asked a lonely pilgrim if he would join me later that day for dinner, as I was lonely too he appreciated my offer and we set a time to eat. We met with other pilgrims we both knew and ate together. I have known this man for only a few hours and yet he seems familiar. For a brief moment when he presented me with this gift of friendship I saw in his eyes my father not the father I saw as a man but a father I looked into the eyes of when I was a child. I came to walk the Camino, but I have found that each day I made were changed not by me but by events. I walked a hard day I shouldn't have, an injured myself was it my arrogance in my ability, but because of it I found a refuge where I was shown nothing but love. I'm limping badly but accepting it all. I don't walk the Camino it walks me.
Yesterday I walked from Naverette to Najera, 17km still in pain, then discovered that some one was thoughtful and kind enough to leave some cream in the donations box in the albergue, so this gratefully received donation by an unknown pilgrim I set about massaging my aching tendons.
Today I walked from Santa Domingo de Calzada that is 21km, and feeling good. The last kilometre I was able to walk without the aid of my walking poles. Staying at Cistercian Abbey. Life is good!

1 comment:

David Williamson said...

Your "Camino and me" post I thought is wonderfully moving and insightful. It strikes me that although you have been experiencing the physical pain of the walk on your pilgrimage, it has been offset and impacted by a journey that is also a spiritual one that seems to be a tremendous blessing to you. At this stage in your pilgrimage it must leave one with an anticipation and an eagerness to experience what is just down the road. Rod may you continue to be impacted through out your pilgrimage!