The Route

The Route
The Route

Sunday 19 September 2010

In the middle of no where!

Another day on el Camino. Bathroom games. Going into the bathroom this morning there was a pilgrim brushing his teeth as I walked past I said Buenos Dias he replied with a B..choke and splutter and sprayed the mirror with toothpaste, I think he saw the cheeky grin on my face he went to the toilet and as he came out he greeted another pilgrim brushing his teeth and got the same response as I did from him earlier. Any way back to the day. I had breakfast before leaving, as I knew it would be 17km before the next village. The walk across the never-ending plains was unshaded and tedious, then in the middle of no where amongst a little group of trees was a small container with plastic tables and chairs with a man dispensing drinks and snacks I picked up an orange soda an apple and a banana. And went to sit with two young German girls I met on the first day at Roncesvalles, we were in a shared porta cabin as the church albergue was full. I remember getting up the next day very early and walking across the dew damp grass in the darkness towards the toilets and washing facilities, and bumping into one of them in the darkness and greeting her with a " morgen” but minty also chipped in with a greeting of his own. He does pick his moments. So now I'm at the Jacques de mouley albergue in a little place called Terradillod de Los Templarios. This was a safe haven provided for pilgrims by the Knights Templar’s until the French king who saw himself as the direct descendant of god outlawed them. He had squandered all of Frances fortunes and had his sights on the Knights Templar’s who had created the first banking system and travelers cheques so that pilgrims wouldn't get robbed. He had Jacques de Moulet who was head of the Templar’s and other leadind knights arrested on Friday the 13th and the term of unlucky Friday 13th was born. I am now on a roof terrace sitting in the sun drinking a cold beer after walking 28km across open plains that test your patience. My feet are sore my ankle started to play up again, but   ......and it’s a big one I’VE PASSED THE HALFWAY POINT, and yes you've guessed it Life is Good

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