The Route

The Route
The Route

Friday 3 September 2010

Roncevalles to Zubiri

 I woke up at about 4am but didn´t want to disburb the other seven people in the tiny portacabin we´re sharing. every body started to move at about 6am, Started off at 0730 making good time as it was flat and most of yesterdays pains were a memory, but not for long i thought the road to Zubiri was straight forward with a few gradients (wrong) the first 4 k was ok then after breakfast of coffee and lemon cake the track meandered across open fields and woodland. i stopped for lunch in a little village and spoke to a couple I had been seeing every now and then along the way,and after consulting the maps i was informed that the last 4k was straight down to Zubiri, they forget to point out the long steady climb before hand . A lot of the track was unshaded and uneven with rocks and scree threatning to end the whole trip in a blink of an eye. passed a sign stating Zubiri was only 6 kilometers away but we still continued to climb for another 2 hours. Then we started the long decent, not in distance but in time, i change from boots to sandles as they were starting to hurt again, I finally crossed the bridge into Zubiri at 5.20Pm after stopping for a quick drink in the firs bar i went to the nearest albergue which was full i found the municipal albergue about 100 metres further up the road. Sharing a room with the same English couple I saw earlier , a Spainish guy from the Rioja region (soon to be my new best friend)and a Japanese girl I found wondering through town in search of an Albergue i´m going find somewhere to eat then another early start I hope to make Pamplona. Adios

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