The Route

The Route
The Route

Monday 6 September 2010

Cizor minor to Puenta La Reina

As usual i woke in the middle of the night 3am, sat outside for a while in the rain then went back to bed . Got up at about 6.30am, and started the process of packing my rucksack with all my gear in the order i thought i may need them , i shared out the fruit i bought the night before ( while out buying the fruit i was overcome with a need to have an ice lolly but they only had ice creams other the huge ice on a stick clearly marketed for children as it had a big plastic stick to hold it with the cashier looked at me if had purchased something ilicit and put it the bag of fruit, on leaving i promptly retrieved it from the bag and started to lay into it, I got some strange looks from the local children as i walked back to the albergue. the stick turns out to be some kind of whistle . i've kept it as a momento).By the time we were all ready to go it was getting light and closer to eight o'clock than it was to seven. We filled up with water and made our way out of this pretty little town towards Alto Perdon. I stopped to see how Ray and Martha were doing behind me Ray called out and told me to carry on. I stopped part of the way up the alto and sat next to a memorial to a belgian pilgrim i had an orange and a pear for breakfast and watched the steady stream of pilgrims walk past, before leaving i placed a small stone on the heap of others left on the memorial by other pilgrims. On reaching the top I bought patato omelette roll and a coffee from a man in a van yes that's right, a man in van selling food on top of the Alto. I looked accross the plains that lay below, it was exposed and unshaded most of the way. By the time i reached the bottom to start my trek across the rolling plains i could feel the sweat from my head trying to find a way out from under my hat, my back was already wet from the ascent. I was nearing Puenta La reina when I saw the sign to the Eunate Church which was shown as being 2 km off the Camino. After walking through the small village and past corn fields i could just about see it in the distance. it worked out about 5km to get there and it was closed with the gates padlocked, to say i was unhappy would be an under statement, i heard some foot steps behind me and saw another pilgrim , Nils from germany was walking the Arragon Route and had also hoped to visit the church. I just said CERRADO (SHUT). It was a longer walk to get back on the camino and i´m now in an Albergue on the edge of Puenta La Reina, showered and wearing fresh clothes.
I checked my pack and found out I left a pair of walking socks back at Cizor Minor. All in All day of more downs than ups. Is Life Still Good?..........YES JUST

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well done Rod xxx

We love and miss you so much xxx