The Route

The Route
The Route

Wednesday 15 September 2010

Just Strolling !

Had such a good day today I had a small breakfast of coffee toast and marmalade then it was off from the little pueblo of Ages. The night before I went for a walk around this little village. (I know what you're thinking why is he going walking after walking, well let me tell you. There's nothing else to do) any way, I stopped in a little restaurant and I mean little 2 tables inside, the rest outside. They were playing "the four seasons by Vivaldi" while I had a beer in a frozen glass. The buildings in this area look more like the type you would find in southern France or Cornwall the little restaurant had oak beams and I felt like I was in a Cornish pub. This morning I left the albergue in darkness as usual across fields of wilting sunflowers, I stopped to take a backwards glance as I have done throughout and saw an amazing sunrise. Then the path took me to Atepuerqa, this site has the oldest human remains dating back 9000,000years. All the Camino follows the milky way, all the way through to finnesterre (the end of the earth) people having been walking this route even in pagan times until a hermit found the remains of St James one of the twelve Apostles who after the crucifixion of Christ went to Iberia to spread the gospel he returned to Judea in 44 ad where he was beheaded by Herod, his followers brought his remains back to Iberia (Spain) where they were discovered under a field of stars (the milky way) Santiago de Compostela (St James in the field of stars). As usual I digressed the walk towards Burgos was great apart from the walk across the city the plus point I had bacon and eggs at about midday, more than compensated. Moving across the bustling city brought me down to earth with a bump the sounds the pollution the people with their busy lives, heads down daring you to contest them for pavement space, I moved out of the way as I could see the look of anguish on their faces and I was just a pilgrim. I'm now on the town square enjoying the company of other pilgrims and life is good


David Williamson said...

Rod great pictures, however here is a silly observation. The roads/tracks don't seem to have a lot of signs. I assume they are. You're making good progress bruv.

Unknown said...

Hello my beautiful Hubby. As usual I enjoyed reading your blog. The history behind this walk is so very interesting.
Can't wait for the next installement.
1 4 3 Minty