The Route

The Route
The Route

Wednesday 8 September 2010

Oyiega to Los Arcos (and minty came too)

Wow what a day, what a night. The Albergue was ok i don´t expect anything other than a bed for the night, i had to share my bed with a lot of strangers that kept biting me. I awoke to the sound of the french womans alarm going of in the next bed, as she´s taken sleeping tablets and was wearing ear plugs she´s the only one in the whole albergue that didn´t hear it. We sat together at breakfast which consisted of small melba style toast and jam. After which we set off together i soon bid her buen camino and carried on by myself. I visited the Orache bodega which had a water fountain with one tap for wine I took a quick picture and carried on (i know what you thinking rod passing up on the offer of free wine, well not exactly i just didn´t have anthing to put it in and i needed my bottles for water)The terrrain is a lot more gentler on my little legs today but i did get a lot of bites on my ankles and feet as well as four huge bites on my shoulders and back, all from my bed mates. The undulating cropped fields led to the town of VillaMayor as i approached i could just see the bell tower of the church above the rolling fields. I passed some vinyards on the left and the track turned right towards the Villamayor and passed the huge bodega and up the hill towards the church. I bought an ommelette baggette from the cafe just up the hill from the church and walked back down to consume it near the church gates. After about ten minutes break and half a sandwich i decided it was time to go i filled my water bottle by the village fountain and set of through the vine yards. The trail was mainly gravel and took me past newly tilled fields exposing the red soil of this area. The sky was a clear blue and i was feeling good and ate a bannana i had in my pocket i didn´t want anybody to get the wrong idea. All morning i have been stopping to re-tighting my boots to prevent my feet slipping forward on the steep descents i ´ve noticed a change in colour to my large toe nails it looks like a may lose them at some point if i´m not careful. My boots were that tight now and along with the bites every step was hurting , but by now i was only 6kilometres from los Arcos and the pinky on my right foot was protesting at the lack of room in the boot. Across the landscape i could see a distant mountain range with wind turbines similar to the ones i passed on Alto Perdon and my thoughts turned to Ray and Martha who let me know that they had reached the bottom yesterday at that point i recieved a text from Ray telling me that they were now at Puenta La reina and at the same Albergue were i had stayed, they were now a full 2 days behind me, and a part of me wanted to go back and join them. i recieved a text mesasage from my son david as i contemplated this, it was just a simple message about the weather at home but it was from my son and lifted it my spirits. So me my little legs my complaing pinky and not forgetting minty are in an albergue washed and cleaned up and on the daily hunt for food. life is good


Rod said...

I had to email these pics from my iphone in order to display them as soon as work out how to download from my camera i will. Please feel free to leave any comments on here. i´m off to bed now as i have a long day ahead tomorrow. hasta maña

Unknown said...

Mum say's, Hello my Darling. Just spoke with Denise. She tried to send you a message on your blog. But did'nt work. She has asked me to tell you that SHE AND THE WHOLE FAMILY ARE SO VERY PROUD OF YOU.They SEND THEIR LOVE AND SAY KEEP GOING. YOUR DOING GREAT. x x x x x x x x x x

Unknown said...

Keep going! You can do it!! We are all talking about you. Everyone is saying how fantastic you are! Carrie xxxx